50 municipalities, representing over 2 million Québec residents, opposed to radioactive steam generator shipment on St. Lawrence River
November 24, 2010

Beyond Nuclear ally Michel Fugère in Québec reports that Gaetan Ruest, Mayor of Amqui and head of the 300 municipalities  endorsing the "Municipal Regroupement in Québec," yesterday made a supplemental submission (in French) to the CNSC. The updated number of municipalities endorsing resolutions ("The Fate of Nuclear Power in Québec: A Choice for Society!" and "Resolution to ban the transport of radioactive steam generators via the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence," both also in French) against the Bruce Power radioactive steam generator shipment, as of November 20th, 2010, is 50 municipalities. Additionally, 5 MRC have endorsed the resolution. Altogether, these municipalities represent 455,000 people. Adding Montréal, which has its own resolution against the Bruce proposal, then over 2 million people in Québec, out of a total population of about 7.5 million in Canada's second most populous province, are represented through their municipal leaders in opposition to the radioactive steam generator shipment.

Article originally appeared on Beyond Nuclear (https://archive.beyondnuclear.org/).
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