"Too risky to bury nuclear waste near Great Lakes"
June 26, 2015

MI State Sen. Phil Pavlov (R-St. Clair)Michigan State Senator Phil Pavlov (Republican-St. Clair, photo left) has responded to the Detroit News editorial board's pro-dump position with a rebuttal letter to the editor.

While Beyond Nuclear absolutely disagrees with State Senator Pavlov's call for dumping radioactive wastes at Yucca Mountain, Nevada, we absolutely agree with his opposition to a Yucca Mountain dump in the heart of the Great Lakes!

U.S. Rep. Dan Kildee (D-MI) also rebutted the Detroit News editorial board's "Alas in Atomic Blunderland" pro-dump editorial, a few days earlier.

Article originally appeared on Beyond Nuclear (https://archive.beyondnuclear.org/).
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