Al Jazeera America: "Nuclear waste site bid makes waves in Lake Huron"
August 22, 2015

Steve Friess has posted an article at Al Jazeera America after he visited the proposed site for Ontario Power Generation's Deep Geologic Repository (DGR) for radioactive waste burial, at Bruce Nuclear Generating Station on the Lake Huron shoreline.

The article reports that the Obama administration's Environmental Protection Agency and State Department have signed off on the proposed dump -- thus putting at risk tens of millions of Americans in eight states who depend on the Great Lakes for drinking water. No explanation is given for the Obama administration's dereliction of duty.

Dump opponents Beverly Fernandez from Stop the Great Lakes Nuclear Dump, and Marti McFadzean (an immediate neighbor to Bruce Nuclear, living in Inverhuron), are quoted in the article.

Article originally appeared on Beyond Nuclear (
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