SOS Great Lakes' analysis re: Ontario Power Generation’s Report of Findings of a Public Attitudes Poll Towards the Proposed Nuclear Waste Dump on Lake Huron
February 7, 2017

SOS Great Lakes' (also known as Save Our Saugeen Shores) executive summary of its analysis of "Ontario Power Generation's Report of Findings of a Public Attitudes Poll Towards the Proposed Nuclear Waste Dump on Lake Huron" states:

A review of sampling, methodology, and reporting of the Ontario Power Generation Report of the Deep Geologic Repository Study by the Gandalf Group shows:

If this study is to be believed, the data supports only one conclusion about Ontario public opinion on OPG’s proposed nuclear waste dump: it may be okay to build a DGR somewhere in Ontario, but not near Lake Huron.
These views are discussed under the above headings in this report.

SOS Great Lakes' analysis then provides additional detail.

Article originally appeared on Beyond Nuclear (
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