Ontario Power Generation insists on burying nuclear waste beside Lake Huron: Walkom
June 2, 2017

Environment Minister Catherine McKenna keeps asking OPG to look at other locations. The utility keeps not obliging.

As reported by the Star, and posted at SOS Great Lakes.

No matter how many times Environment Minister Catherine McKenna asks, OPG is unwilling to look at alternate sites to bury nuclear waste because they already found one.

OPG settled on Kincardine, a municipality on the shore of Lake Huron that hosts Bruce Power’s nuclear plant, where nuclear means jobs to local people and politicians. 

In 2016, OPG took almost a year to come up with a strikingly inadequate report that did not identify alternative sites and their latest report (released on May 26 2017) still does not identify specific alternate sites.

Read the full article.

Article originally appeared on Beyond Nuclear (https://archive.beyondnuclear.org/).
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