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Nuclear waste in Trump's hands?

Action alert from Allison Fisher, Public Citizen:

A private, for-profit company with ties to the Trump administration is trying to take over our nation’s stockpile of highly radioactive nuclear waste.

Tell government officials: Do NOT hand over responsibility for storing nuclear waste to a private, for-profit company.

Take action now.

Let’s play connect-the-dots:

  • A private, for-profit company called Waste Control Specialists wants to be entrusted with storing our country’s extremely hazardous nuclear waste.
  • The company can’t launch this potentially disastrous privatization scheme without approval from the U.S. Department of Energy and Congress.
  • Donald Trump’s pick to run the Department of Energy is former Texas governor and repeat Republican presidential candidate Rick Perry.
  • Perry — infamously — advocated eliminating the Department of Energy altogether (once he remembered its name) during a presidential debate.
  • When he was governor, Perry signed legislation for a similar scheme with Waste Control Specialists in Texas.
  • The owner of Waste Control Specialists at the time was one of Perry's biggest funders, with more than $1.3 million in campaign contributions.

Do you trust a private, for-profit company to never cut corners while handling highly radioactive nuclear waste for decades to come?

Join Public Citizen in urging the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission to reject this unbelievably dangerous proposal.

Thanks for taking a stand against the Trump Regime.


Allison Fisher
Public Citizen’s Climate and Energy Program