NIRS: Stop the WCS Nuclear Waste Dump & Decades of Massive Radioactive Shipments
October 3, 2018

See the Nuclear Information and Resource Service (NIRS) action alert, posted here.

Fill in your email address, add anything you want to the web form comments all ready to go, and click submit to send them to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) before the NOVEMBER 19th public comment deadline. (Please note, on Oct. 18, the public comment deadline was extended by NRC till Nov. 19.)

When it comes to high-level radioactive waste transportation, we all live in West Texas!

Update on October 11, 2018 by Registered Commenteradmin

radioactive waste is coming through your town

Action alert from Allison Fisher, Public Citizen's Climate and Energy Program:

Dear Friend,

You were instrumental in helping stall a proposed nuclear waste dump in Texas.

Unfortunately, the same dangerous plan by the same corporate actors is back.

Tell the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) that you oppose the latest version of the corporate scheme to dump nuclear waste in Texas.

Submit a comment to the agency now.

In addition to putting Texans at risk, this plan would transport 40,000 tons of lethal waste through our major cities by rail — close to homes, schools and businesses.

If allowed to go forward, the plan also would:

That’s why Public Citizen and our allies are calling on the NRC to reject this bad proposal — once and for all.

Add your voice now.

We need a less risky, permanent approach to our decades-old lethal nuclear waste problem.

This is far from it.

Thank you for taking action,

Allison Fisher
Public Citizen's Climate and Energy Program

Article originally appeared on Beyond Nuclear (
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