CCNS: Halt WCS! Get Your Public Comments in by October 19th
October 5, 2018

(Please note, on Oct. 18, the public comment deadline was extended by NRC till Nov. 19.)

Adapted from an action alert by CCNS (Concerned Citizens for Nuclear Safety in Santa Fe, NM), re: the centralized interim storage facility (CISF) for high-level radioactive waste (HLRW) targeted at Texas by Waste Control Specialists (WCS) and Interim Storage Partners (ISP):

Halt WCS! Get Your Public Comments in by NOVEMBER 19th

Now is the time to submit your comments to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) about the proposed Waste Control Specialists/Interim Storage Partners/Orano project to bring 40,000 metric tons of commercial high-level radioactive waste from nuclear power plants located across the country to a site in west Texas, five miles east of Eunice, New Mexico.  If this sounds familiar, it is.  Just three months ago public comments were due to the NRC about a similar proposal by Holtec International.  Yes, southeast New Mexico and west Texas are being targeted by the nuclear industry with two proposed facilities within forty miles of one another.  Comments are due by Friday, October 19th.

Thousands of New Mexicans have empathically stated that they do not consent to New Mexico becoming a national radioactive waste dumping ground for high-level waste.  In fact, more than 30,000 comments from people across the nation were submitted in opposition to the Holtec proposal.

Waste Control Specialists, a limited liability corporation, is asking NRC for a 40-year license to temporarily store the waste in Andrews County, Texas, with an opportunity to extend the license to 120 years.

Read the whole story and more at:

There are also sample comments you can use at Beyond Nuclear and NIRS:

See Beyond Nuclear's sample comments, and instructions for how to submit them, to help you prepare and deliver your own to NRC. And see Nuclear Information and Resource Service's action alert, where you can use their web form to submit comments to NRC. To learn more, see Beyond Nuclear's Centralized Storage web site section.

Thank you for all your works to keep HLRW out of NM and TX!

Feel free to modify our Update below for your uses to get the word out!

Article originally appeared on Beyond Nuclear (
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