Beyond Nuclear to be in Chicago, hosted by NEIS, discussing radioactive waste transport risks
November 12, 2018

As announced by Dave Kraft, director, Nuclear Energy Information Service (NEIS) of Chicago:


Meet and Greet with

Kevin Kamps, Radioactive Waste specialist with Beyond Nuclear

TENTATIVE LOCATION:  NEIS Office, 3411 W. Diversey, Chicago

(check the NEIS website Calendar to confirm)

6:30 p.m. (light food and drinks)

As part of his Midwest Radwaste Tour, come hear national radwaste expert Kevin Kamps speak about the current proposals to license costly and unneeded “centralized interim storage” (CIS) facilities in Texas and New Mexico, Yucca Mt., and transport hazards of moving spent reactor fuel.

RSVP by Nov. 9th at NEIS office:, (773)342-7650



Jerome McDonnell (right), host of "Worldview" on Chicago NPR's WBEZ, interviews Kevin Kamps of Beyond Nuclear. Photo by Dave Kraft, NEIS.Beyond Nuclear's radioactive waste specialist Kevin Kamps was interviewed on WBEZ's (Chicago NPR) public affairs program, "Worldview." The program is entitled

"America’s Nuclear Waste Problem Might Soon Be Passing Through Your Neighborhood."

[Play the audio recording, in the upper left -- 14 minutes long.]


WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 6:30 – 9:00 P.M.

“CRAZY TRAINS:  A Panel on Shipping High-Level Radioactive Waste and Oil by Train”

See NEIS's flier for this event.

(TENTATIVE LOCATION):  NEIS Office, 3411 W. Diversey, Chicago

(check NEIS website Calendar to confirm)

Panelists to include:

Panel presentation and group discussion on ongoing plans by government and industry to continue to ship two of the nation’s most hazardous materials by rail all over the country.  Will address the perennial question:  “Is this trip REALLY necessary?”

Please RSVP by Nov. 12th at NEIS office:, (773)342-7650

Article originally appeared on Beyond Nuclear (
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