Urgent action alert from Janet Greenwald, CARD
May 17, 2018

This urgent action alert comes from Janet Greenwald, Citizens for Alternatives to Radioactive Dumping (CARD) in Albuquerque, New Mexico:


Against High Level Nuclear Waste Coming to New Mexico!


Monday, May 21, 5pm

Albuquerque City Council Chambers* [See below, under Updates]

City Councilors consider a memorial to stop commercial high level nuclear waste from being shipped through Albuquerque.


Tuesday, May 22, 6pm

Crown Plaza Hotel, 901 University Blvd., Albuquerque

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission hears public testimony on the proposal to dump high level commercial nuclear waste in New Mexico.


Monday, May 21, 6pm

Gallup Downtown Conference Center

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission hears public testimony on the proposal to dump high level commercial nuclear waste in New Mexico.

Update on May 17, 2018 by Registered Commenteradmin


Against High Level Nuclear Waste Coming to New Mexico!

Monday, May 21, 5pm 

Albuquerque City Council Chambers

City Councilors consider a memorial to stop commercial high level nuclear waste from being shipped through Albuquerque.


Please ask your councilor to support memorial 1

a.  Councilor Isaac Benton: ibenton@cabq.gov, Policy Analyst Diane Dolan: ddolan@cabq.gov, (505) 768-3186
b.  Councilor Klarissa Peña: kpena@cabq.gov, Policy Analyst Nancy Montaño: nancymontano@cabq.gov, (505) 768-3127
c.  Councilor Ken Sanchez: kensanchez@cabq.gov, Contact Policy Analyst Elaine Romero:eromero@cabq.gov, (505) 768-3183
d.  Councilor Brad Winter: bwinter@cabq.gov, Policy Analyst Rebekka Burt: rburt@cabq.gov, (505) 768-3101
e.  Councilor Dan Lewis: danlewis@cabq.gov, Policy Analyst Rachel Miller: rrmiller@cabq.gov, (505) 768-3189
f.  Councilor Pat Davis: patdavis@cabq.gov, Policy Analyst Sean Foran: seanforan@cabq.gov, (505) 768-3152
g.  Councilor Trudy Jones: trudyjones@cabq.gov, Policy Analyst Aziza Chavez: azizachavez@cabq.gov, (505) 768-3106
h.  Councilor Diane Gibson: dgibson@cabq.gov, Policy Analyst Chris Sylvan: csylvan@cabq.gov, (505) 768-3136
i.  Councilor Don Harris: dharris@cabq.gov, Policy Analyst Dawn Marie Emillio: dmemillio@cabq.gov, (505) 768-3123


If you are from outside Albuquerque

 Send an email to all City Council members: www.cabq.gov/council/find-your-councilor/contact-all-councilo

Article originally appeared on Beyond Nuclear (https://archive.beyondnuclear.org/).
See website for complete article licensing information.