SNC-Lavalin, Holtec's partner in reactor decommissioning and high-level radioactive waste management, has pleaded guilty to fraud, will pay $280 million fine
December 19, 2019

SNC-Lavalin pleads guilty to fraud for past work in Libya, will pay $280M fine


Company will pay a $280M penalty over 5 years and be placed on probation


As reported by CBC:
This is the Canadian company Holtec International has partnered with to do nuclear power plant decommissioning, and irradiated nuclear fuel management, in the U.S.

Learn more about the skeletons in both companies' closets:
Update on December 19, 2019 by Registered Commenteradmin
The nuclear power industry's corruption IS a highlight of the year 2019's news. See below.
SNC-Lavalin is "the Bechtel of Canada." And wouldn't you know, among both SNC-Lavalin and Bechtel's nefarious deeds are their nuclear power divisions. Makes sense that the likes of Holtec International would partner up with SNC-Lavalin -- after all, Holtec's CEO, Krishna Singh, has engaged in serial bribery too. And then Singh lied about it on his NJ tax break application form, netting him $260 million in tax breaks, and now a major scandal, once ProPublica and WNYC outed the lie.

Jody Wilson-Raybould is Canadian Press newsmaker of the year for 2019

Former justice minister was the choice of news editors across the country
Update on January 1, 2020 by Registered Commenteradmin

Corruption Case That Tarnished Trudeau Ends With SNC-Lavalin’s Guilty Plea
SNC-Lavalin is Holtec International's partner in nuclear power plant decommissioning and high-level radioactive waste management. Outrageously, NRC has rubberstamped both shutdown nuclear power plant takeovers that Holtec has proposed thus far (Oyster Creek, NJ; Pilgrim MA). Up next, Indian Point NY, Palisades & Big Rock Point MI, etc.
Article originally appeared on Beyond Nuclear (
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