NRC's non-responsive response to NM Governor Lujan Grisham letter
June 18, 2019

Here is a link to NRC's letter. It essentially states it cannot comment, given the ongoing NRC licensing proceeding.

That is the oldest, and most lazy, trick in NRC's book. When it doesn't want to respond, it cites the impropriety of biasing its already oh so biased (in industry's favor) licensing proceedings.

Unless the federal courts stand up to the NRC's industry-friendly abuses, the public is screwed -- nowehere more so than NM, which will have a CISF rammed down its throat, against its consent!

(Note that various economic sectors' anti-Holtec letters to the NM governor were attached, as enclosures, to the governor's June 7, 2019 letter. Such letters are Exhibits A, B, and C in NM's case that the Holtec dump is not consent-based!)

Article originally appeared on Beyond Nuclear (
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