Holtec, SCE Still Weeks From Finishing Assessment of Canister Scare at SONGS, NRC Says
June 4, 2019

As reported by the ExchangeMonitor.

While the troubled, highly controversial Holtec dry cask storage facility at San Onofre, CA holds a fraction of the waste from two reactors, its proposed consolidated interim storage facility targeted at southeastern New Mexico would hold 173,000 metric tons of irradiated nuclear fuel, generated at well over 100 reactors across the U.S. However, Holtec's troubled UMAX dry cask storage system design at San Onofre would be the same design used at its CISF in NM, showing clearly that the troubles at San Onofre are cautionary tales for the kinds of incidents and accident that could well happen in NM.

Article originally appeared on Beyond Nuclear (https://archive.beyondnuclear.org/).
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