Press conference, NRC ASLB oral argument pre-hearings, re: WCS/ISP CISF, July 9-11, Midland TX
July 1, 2019
Action alert from Karen Hadden, Sustainable Energy & Economic Development (SEED) Coalition [comments within brackets are additions by Kevin Kamps, Beyond Nuclear]:

High-Level Radioactive Waste Hearing – Atomic Safety and Licensing Board [ASLB]

Press conference the day before the hearing -  July 9th at 2 PM, 301 S. Main, Midland, TX  Parking lot by the Ruttle Building. [Inflatable, full-size replica of Legal Weight Truck shipping cask for high-level radioactive waste, will be deployed as a photo op and awareness-raiser/educational opportunity.]

WCS’ [Waste Control Specialists', also known as Interim Storage Partners' (ISP's)] Application to store 40,000 metric tons of the nation’s deadly spent fuel rods from nuclear reactors, 40 years or more. WCS/ISP's scheme is referred to as a consolidated interim storage facility. In truth, it is a de facto permanent surface storage "parking lot" dump.]


Wednesday, July 10th at 9 AM 

Midland County Courthouse 

500 N. Lorraine Street, Midland, Texas 79701 

[As needed, the ASLB oral argument pre-hearings will continue at the same location on Thursday, July 11th. See the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission's ASLB's Order, here.]


We need to turn out as many people as we possibly can! A flyer you can print and distribute is [linked here]. 

PLEASE ARRIVE at 8 AM and wear red if you can [as in STOP WCS!].  


Hotels are expensive in Midland, so please make arrangements as soon as possible and share a room if possible. One option is to ask the DoubleTree for the rate for the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board hearing, which is $149, much less expensive than normal rates. Call 432-683-6131 and ask for Courtney if you're interested. This hotel is within walking distance of the Courthouse.

Dallas/ Ft. Worth Folks - please be in touch with Lon Burnam;
Susybelle Gosslee is putting together a group to go to the hearing...
[To be put in touch with Karen, Lon, and/or Susybelle, contact Kevin Kamps at Beyond Nuclear,, 240-462-3216]
Article originally appeared on Beyond Nuclear (
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