NRC rejects calls from 50 group environmental coalition's requests re: Holtec CISF DEIS public comment proceeding
May 1, 2020

See the coalition's requests, made on March 25th, here.

But on May 1st, NRC essentially told us to go jump in a lake. Our 50 group NGO letter of March 25 to NRC, above, combined with the united NM US congressional delegation letter of March 20, did force NRC to give us 60 more days for public comment.

So that's a 120-day public comment period altogether. Instead of a May 22nd deadline, we now face a July 22nd deadline.

But NRC rejected most of our requests. We had called for 199 days for public comment. We had called for two-dozen public comment meetings in a dozen states, including outside of NM on transport routes. We had called for the countdown clock to not even start till after the pandemic. We had called for in-person public meetings after the pandemic, so they'd be safe.

See NRC's email to coalition legal counsel Terry Lodge, below, as well as a link to the NRC's letter.

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: NMSS_DSFM_Admin Resource <>
Date: Mon, May 4, 2020 at 11:28 AM
Subject: SUBJECT: Letter to T. Lodge from A. Kock, USNRC re: Docket ID NRC-2018-0052, Holtec International HI–STORE CISF (Request for DEIS public omment [sic, comment] period extension and additional public meetings)

SUBJECT: Letter to T. Lodge from A. Kock, NRC re: Docket ID NRC-2018-0052, Holtec International HI–STORE CISF (Request for DEIS public comment period extension and additional public meetings)

Dear Mr. Lodge, et. al.,

Attached [linked here] for your information is the US NRC’s response to your letter dated March 25, 2020.


Staff of the US NRC

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