NRC Holtec CISF DEIS, transcript of public comments from teleconference meeting
June 23, 2020
As documented below, by a count of 35 to 24, opponents to the dump outnumbered proponents of the dump during this June 23, 2020 public comment meeting. See July 15, 2020, entry above, for another public comment meeting where dump opponents outnumbered during proponents at the microphone. At the August 20, 2020 public comment meeting, opponents to the dump outnumbered proponents in favor of the dump by a 15 to 0 count -- a skunking. At the August 25, 2020, public comment meeting, opponents to the dump outnumbered dump proponents by a count of 18 to 8. Such results are similar to those in 2018 during the environmental scoping public comment period. At those in-person public comment meetings (and one held virtually), dump opponents outnumbered dump proponents every single time, sometimes by wide margins. Dump opponents even outnumbered dump proponents in the company towns of Carlsbad and Hobbs.
Document Title: Transcript of Proceedings - Public Online Webinar for the Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the Proposed Holtec Hi-Store Consolidated Interim Storage Facility, June 23, 2020, Pages 1-202
Document Type: Meeting Transcript
Document Date: 06/23/2020
Article originally appeared on Beyond Nuclear (
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