NM's U.S. Senators urge NRC Chairman to keep promise to hold five in-person public comment meetings across the state
August 18, 2020

In a letter sent to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Chairman Kristine Svinicki on August 18, 2020, New Mexico's two Democratic U.S. Senators, Tom Udall and Martin Heinrich, have urged that the agency keep its prior promise to hold five, in-person, public comment meetings across the state, re: NRC's Holtec/ELEA CISF DEIS (irradiated nuclear fuel Consolidated Interim Storage Facility Draft Environmental Impact Statement).

See how to submit verbal comments on the call-in/webinars, to be held August 20, 25, 26, and Sept. 2, here.

See how to submit written comments to NRC by the Sept. 22 deadline, here; sample comments you can use to prepare your own are also posted, here.

Update on September 1, 2020 by Registered Commenteradmin

The Current-Argus newspaper in Carlsbad, NM has reported on this story.

Article originally appeared on Beyond Nuclear (https://archive.beyondnuclear.org/).
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