Construction Accident At Nuclear Plant Knocks Out Power Along Jersey Shore
June 21, 2021

As reported by the Daily Voice.

NJ-based Holtec, in charge of the Oyster Creek decommissioning, has made screw up after screw up there thus far. In one screw up, a worker was doused and dosed with radioactive water, when a high-level radioactive waste storage (HLRW) container leaked.

But not only does Holtec want to be trusted with HLRW on-site storage at places like Oyster Creek. It also wants to ship the HLRWs to New Mexico, for "interim storage."

Update on June 25, 2021 by Registered Commenteradmin

ExchangeMonitor has also reported on this story. (The article is behind a paywall.)

Article originally appeared on Beyond Nuclear (
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