A green - and windy - future according to new AWEA report
May 6, 2010

The U.S. wind energy industry is expanding as established industry leaders maintain their top position and manufacturing continues to grow, according to the American Wind Energy Association (AWEA) in its annual Market Report.

Highlights include: The U.S. wind energy industry installed over 10,000 MW of new wind power generating capacity in 2009, the largest year in U.S. history, and enough to power the equivalent of 2.4 million homes or generate as much electricity as three large nuclear power plants; there are 36 states that have utility-scale wind projects and 14 states are in the "Gigawatt Club" with more than 1,000 MW of installed wind capacity per state; and approximately 85,000 people are employed in the wind industry today and hold jobs in areas as varied as turbine component manufacturing, construction and installation of wind turbines, wind turbine operations and maintenance, legal and marketing services, transportation and logistical services, and more.

Article originally appeared on Beyond Nuclear (https://archive.beyondnuclear.org/).
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