"Don't Nuke the Climate!" at White House rally marking start of COP21 in Paris
November 29, 2015

As reported by the Washington Post, the anti-nuke movement (including representatives from Beyond Nuclear, NIRS, and other groups) was "in the house" at the White House for a climate rally in D.C. marking the beginning of COP21 in Paris, France:

In the District, several hundred gathered by the White House and marched along the Mall, with signs that read, “Preserve our home,” “Don’t nuke the climate” and “Keep it in the ground,” the latter referring to fossil fuels.

(Of course, the letter could -- and should -- also refer to uranium, as well as thorium, for that matter!)

Update on December 17, 2015 by Registered Commenteradmin

Beyond Nuclear also attended a climate rally, called by FOE, on 12/12/15, marking the end of the COP21, "Don't Nuke the Climate!" poster in hand, once again.

Article originally appeared on Beyond Nuclear (https://archive.beyondnuclear.org/).
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