PALISADES DECOMMISSIONING: Comments needed against Holtec takeover!

Although it is imperative that we shut down nuclear plants, they remain dangerous, and expensive even when closed. Radioactive inventories remain present on the site and decommissioning costs have been skyrocketing, presenting the real danger that utilities will not be able to afford to properly shut down and clean up non-operating reactor sites.
The Palisades atomic reactor, highly radioactive waste storage, and radioactively contaminated site, located in Covert Township, Van Buren County, on Southwest Michigan's Lake Michigan shorelineDear Friends and Colleagues,
Help protect the irreplaceable Great Lakes (21% of Planet Earth's surface fresh water, and 84% of North America's!) against radioactive risks. On Thursday, February 4th, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) published a Federal Register Notice (larger format version, with NRC cover letter preceding it) announcing a 30-day countdown clock for the submission of public comments re: the transfer of licenses and ownership, from current owner Entergy Nuclear to proposed new owner Holtec International, for the Palisades and Big Rock Point nuclear power plant sites. They are located on the Lake Michigan shore of West Michigan, in Covert Township near South Haven, and in Charlevoix near Petoskey, respectively. (Here is the smaller format version, as the Notice actually appeared in the Fed. Reg. on Feb. 4th.)
The Fed. Reg. Notice references Holtec's December 23, 2020 "Post-Shutdown Decommissioning Activities Report" for Palisades (PSDAR), and "Palisades Site-Specific Decommissioning Cost Estimate," (DCE). It also references Holtec's Dec. 23rd License Transfer Application.
Holtec proposes to do the decommissioning (facility dismantlement and radiological cleanup) of the Palisades site, and highly radioactive waste (irradiated nuclear fuel) management at both sites. (NRC approved the supposed completion of decommissioning at the closed Big Rock Point atomic reactor, and release of the site for unrestricted use, in 2006, a decision that a broad environmental coalition, including Nuclear Information and Resource Service, Don't Waste Michigan, and Coalition for a Nuclear-Free Great Lakes have protested, due to lingering hazardous radioactive contamination of the soil, groundwater, and Lake Michigan sediments, which pose an ongoing risk on-site and to the ecosystem, food chain, and drinking water supply downstream.)
The deadline for public comments on this proposal is Monday, March 8, 2021 at 11:59pm Eastern (10:59pm Central).
Comments can be submitted online here: <>. (The Fed. Reg. Notice is reproduced at this link, as well.)
[As the NRC has instructed: Address questions about Docket IDs in to Stacy Schumann; telephone: 301-415-0624; e-mail: For technical questions, contact the individual listed in the FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT section of this document. <linked here>]
Comments can be emailed to: <>. If you do not receive an automatic email reply confirming receipt, then contact NRC at 301-415-1677.
Comments can be faxed to: Secretary, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission at 301-415-1101.
Comments can also be snail mailed to the following address, but must be postmarked by March 8th or earlier: Secretary, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC 20555-0001, ATTN: Rulemakings and Adjudications Staff.
[As NRC has stated: For additional direction on obtaining information and submitting comments, see “Obtaining Information and Submitting Comments” in the SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION section of this document. <linked here>]
The NRC encourages electronic comment submission through the Federal Rulemaking Web Site ( But if you do email, fax, or snail mail your comments to NRC, please include a reference to Docket ID NRC-2021-0036 in your comment submission(s), such as at the very top.
There is no limit to how many comments you submit. You can submit multiple sets/rounds of comments.
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Environmental Coalition Intervenes against Holtec Takeover of Palisades Atomic Reactor |
Beyond Nuclear, Don't Waste Michigan, and Michigan Safe Energy Future Petition U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Raising Health, Safety, Environmental, and Financial Concerns |
[WASHINGTON, DC and COVERT, MI – February 25, 2021] -- Meeting the agency's truncated 20-day deadline, an environmental coalition's legal counsel, Toledo, Ohio attorney Terry Lodge, has submitted a petition to intervene and request for hearing to NRC, on behalf of members of the groups, some of whom live less than a mile from the Palisades nuclear power plant on the Lake Michigan shoreline. The legal and technical challenges opposed to current owner Entergy Nuclear's license transfer to Holtec International for decommissioning purposes and high-level radioactive waste management include Holtec's disqualifying bad corporate character, and its unnacceptable bids to drain the already woefully inadequate Nuclear Decommissioning Trust Fund for non-decommissioning expenses, such as irradiated nuclear fuel management and site restoration. The intervention also objects to Holtec's large underestimation of both decommissioning expenses, as well as irradiated nuclear fuel management expenses. For example, the coalition's expert witness, Robert Alvarez, an Institute for Policy Studies senior scholar, and a former senior advisor to the U.S. Energy Secretary, has shown that Holtec has given no consideration to high burnup irradiated nuclear fuel's higher thermal heat load and radioactivity levels, even though it comprises a large fraction of the fuel to be stored on-site, and likely for much longer than Holtec's overly optimistic year 2066 terminus date. Lastly, the coalition has argued for NRC to undertake a Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement, to address: the site's radioactive contamination of soil and groundwater; various "low" level radioactive waste streams, such as steam generators and highly radioactive Reactor Vessel Internals; the need for repackaging irradiated nuclear fuel from non-transportable and even defective current containers into new replacement containers; and increasing radiologic risks due to the current historic high, and worsening, Lake Michigan water levels. Holtec's proposed takeover would also include Palisades' sibling, the Lake Michigan shoreline Big Rock Point nuclear power plant site in Charlevoix, Michigan, as part of the package deal. Although NRC in 2006 approved the decommissioned site's release for unrestricted use, watchdogs remain very concerned about significant documented radioactive contamination abandoned there. In addition, eight casks of highly radioactive waste are still stored there, with nowhere else to go. "With no ability to unload the high-level radioactive waste from an already known defective VSC-24 cask, and potentially additional faulty casks of this and other models in the future, Entergy and Holtec have teed up a cataclysmic disaster on the shore of Lake Michigan. Lake Michigan is about to eat Palisades, and this unaddressed problem amounts to 'Criminal Negligence,'" stated Michael J. Keegan, Co-Chairman of Don't Waste Michigan in Monroe, MI. "We continue to call for a safe and complete decommissioning which requires the removal of all radioactive waste that will likely be stored onsite indefinitely," said Bette Pierman, President of Michigan Safe Energy Future in Benton Harbor, MI. "It must be secured in non-permeable hard casks because of the highly radioactive waste. We strongly question Holtec International's decommissioning proposal with no guarantee of this to safeguard our health and that of our precious Lake Michigan. We also have serious concerns about the current Decommissioning Trust Funds--which were previously raided by Consumers Power and Entergy—to cover the complete costs of cleanup and restoration of the Palisades site. We do not want Holtec to leave Michigan ratepayers with a bill and a radioactive legacy," Pierman added.
"We object to NRC allowing Holtec to drain $166 million from the Palisades Nuclear Decommissioning Trust Fund for unrelated high-level radioactive waste management expenses, because that will severely shortchange the cleanup of documented extensive hazardous radioactive contamination of soil and groundwater," said Kevin Kamps, radioactive waste specialist with Beyond Nuclear, a national watchdog group based in Takoma Park, MD. "Abandoned radioactive contamination will flow downstream over time, into Lake Michigan and inland aquifers, both drinking water supplies. The radioactivity will not dilute, but rather bio-concentrate up the food chain, endangering current and future generations," Kamps added. “As people who share the same Lake Michigan drinking water supply with 16 million other people, we are deeply concerned with how the Palisades closure and decommissioning is handled,” stated Gail Snyder, Board President of Nuclear Energy Information Service, based in Chicago, IL. “Having witnessed the numerous highly questionable dealings surrounding the decommissioning of the Zion nuclear reactors in Illinois from 2010 to the present, we are highly suspicious of Holtec’s motives and capability to conduct a credible and safe decommissioning, and skeptical that the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission will do more than a check-box oversight of the project. For those reasons constant and direct oversight from state and federal legislators in Michigan is imperative,” Snyder warned. Beyond Nuclear, Don't Waste Michigan, and Nuclear Energy Information Service have also intervened against Holtec's proposal to target majority minority (Hispanic, Indigenous) New Mexico with the country's high-level radioactive waste dump, a so-called "consolidated interim storage facility" (CISF) for irradiated nuclear fuel that risks becoming de facto permanent surface storage. Terry Lodge serves as legal counsel for Don't Waste Michigan and Nuclear Energy Information Service, and five additional grassroots environmental groups from across the U.S., in that proceeding as well. NRC has rejected all opponents' appeals, and the groups have now appealed the case to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, the second highest court in the land. "At the very top of the list of CISF non-starters is highly radioactive waste barge shipments, from Palisades to the Port of Muskegon, for offload onto a train for export out to the Southwest," said Terry Lodge, the environmental coalition's legal counsel. "Irradiated fuel sunk to the bottom of Lake Michigan could cause ruinous radioactive releases into the drinking water supply for tens of millions of people downstream in seven states, two provinces, and a large number of Indigenous Nations. Radioactive steam generator barge shipments across Lake Michigan, through Chicago's waterways, and down the Mississippi River could likewise lead to drinking water catastrophes," Lodge added. -30- |
Beyond Nuclear is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit membership organization. Beyond Nuclear aims to educate and activate the public about the connections between nuclear power and nuclear weapons and the need to abolish both to safeguard our future. Beyond Nuclear advocates for an energy future that is sustainable, benign and democratic. The Beyond Nuclear team works with diverse partners and allies to provide the public, government officials, and the media with the critical information necessary to move humanity toward a world beyond nuclear. Beyond Nuclear: 7304 Carroll Avenue, #182, Takoma Park, MD 20912. |
Thom Hartmann hosts Beyond Nuclear's radioactive waste specialist Kevin Kamps to discuss: earthquakes in recent days impacting the rubblized Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant in Japan: anti-nuclear fights on Lake Michigan, at Palisades, MI (re: Holtec's proposed decommissioning takeover) and Point Beach, WI; and the Biden administration's nuclear power and radioactive waste policies.