




The Renewable Energy Renaissance

The real Renaissance is in renewable energy whose sources could meet 25% of the nation's energy needs by 2025. Renewable technologies can help restore political and economic stability as well as save money…and the planet.


Entries by admin (194)


The world's first solar power station that generates electricity NIGHT

"Employing a unique solution to the problem that has stymied legions of engineers for decades, the two firms designed a maverick system designed to skirt the problem presented by nighttime." Setyoufree News


Our expert witness's home and pick up truck are solar PV powered!

Dr. Al Compaan, the expert witness for the environmental coalition Beyond Nuclear helps lead in the intervention against the Davis-Besse atomic reactor 20 year license extension near Toledo, Ohio, powers not only his home with solar photovoltaic panels, but also his converted all-electric pick up truck! (see photo at left) See his personal website for photos and more information. Dr. Compaan is an emeritus Distinguished Professor of Physics at the University of Toledo, and a former department chairman. Dr. Compaan, with assistance from his student Kathryn Hoepfl, wrote "Contentions 2 and 3" in Beyond Nuclear's intervention against Davis-Besse's license extension, arguing that solar PV, certainly combined with wind power, could readily replace the problem-plagued atomic reactor's 908 Megawatts of electricity.


Italian renewables stocks surge on news of anti-nuclear referendum victory

Reuters reports double digit percentage point increases in share values for Italian renewable energy firms at the news that a quorom of Italian voters had, by an overwhelming majority, rejected plans for a nuclear power relapse in the country.


Japan's reactor manufacturers look to renewables 

News reports. "In the three months since the March 11 earthquake and tsunami damaged the Fukushima No. 1 atomic plant, the nation's three reactor makers have started to focus more on renewable energy sources, particularly solar, wind and geothermal power. Toshiba Corp., Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd. and Hitachi Ltd. say they now have higher sales goals in the alternative energy fields, including pursuit of "energy-smart communities" that can save power consumption as a whole city or village by using energy control systems."


Japan Times calls for renewables Renaissance in aftermath of Fukushima nuclear catastrophe

A Japan Times editorial has strongly criticized a new Japanese government energy policy plan that still relies heavily on nuclear power into the future, acting as if the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power catastrophe had not even happened.