Human Rights

The entire nuclear fuel chain involves the release of radioactivity, contamination of the environment and damage to human health. Most often, communities of color, indigenous peoples or those of low-income are targeted to bear the brunt of these impacts, particularly the damaging health and environmental effects of uranium mining. The nuclear power industry inevitably violates human rights. While some of our human rights news can be found here, we also focus specifically on this area on out new platform, Beyond Nuclear International.


Entries by admin (383)


Tulsi Gabbard to Join Veterans at Standing Rock to Protest Dakota Access Pipeline

As reported by the London Observer. Rep. Gabbard developed a reputation for integrity during the Democratic primaries, including as a Bernie Sanders surrogate, and is a veteran herself.


Today's Midwest Energy News headlines/links re: DAPL resistance

• Dakota Access pipeline protesters plan to stay at their encampment in North Dakota despite federal officials giving them a Dec. 5 deadline to move to a designated area. (Minnesota Public Radio)
• The protesters will not be forcibly removed, though they may face violations for trespassing. (Reuters)
• The North Dakota sheriff leading the response to pipeline protesters defends officers’ actions using force against the crowds. (Associated Press)
• More than 30 protesters are arrested on trespassing charges after forming a prayer circle at a North Dakota mall. (Minnesota Public Radio)
• Concerns grow over President-elect Trump’s owning stock in the company developing the Dakota Access pipeline. (Associated Press)


Facebook Page Run by Morton County Sheriff Gets Shut Down

As reported by the London Observer

The Morton County Sheriff’s Department has been waging a propaganda war against the self-proclaimed 'water protectors'


Army Corps of Engineers to Close Access to Standing Rock Protest Camp

As reported by Democracy Now!:

In news from North Dakota, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has announced it plans to close public access to the site of the Standing Rock protest camp on December 5. For months, indigenous water protectors have camped out in the area to fight the $3.8 billion Dakota Access pipeline, which would carry crude from the Bakken oilfields of North Dakota through South Dakota, Iowa and Illinois. In a statement Sunday, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers said it had "no plans for forcible removal" of protesters, but the agency said anyone who remained would be considered unauthorized and could be subject to various citations. Dave Archambault II, the chairman of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe, said in a statement that the tribe was "deeply disappointed" by the decision.


Jackson Browne Plays Anti-DAPL Concert in North Dakota

As reported by Democracy Now!:

Meanwhile, on Sunday night, musical legends Jackson Browne and Bonnie Raitt performed a benefit concert for the Standing Rock protesters. Jackson Browne made headlines last month when he signed an open letter to Kelcy Warren, CEO of Energy Transfer Partners, which owns the pipeline. Warren also owns a small music label, Music Road Records, which once released a Jackson Browne tribute CD. Browne said, "I do not support the Dakota Access pipeline. I will be donating all of the money I have received from this album to date, and any money received in the future, to the tribes who are opposing the pipeline." In the press release about the Jackson Browne tribute album, pipeline owner Kelcy Warren wrote, "I don’t know of anybody that admires Jackson more than me."