




The Renewable Energy Renaissance

The real Renaissance is in renewable energy whose sources could meet 25% of the nation's energy needs by 2025. Renewable technologies can help restore political and economic stability as well as save money…and the planet.


Entries by admin (194)


Don Booth, pioneer of solar energy, dies at 94

Donald W. Booth, 94, of Concord, New Hampshire died Friday, Jan. 21, 2011, reports Seacoast online. Don was born Dec. 19, 1916. He graduated from Arlington High School, and served as a conscientious objector in civilian public service during World War II. Doing business as Community Builders, in the late 1970s Don pioneered energy conservation and solar home building, twice receiving the Governor's award for energy innovation and contribution to the solar field. He published two books on passive solar design and construction, and served on the Governor's Commission on Disability. A member of Concord Friends (Quaker) Meeting, Don was active in peace and justice causes and received the Martin Luther King Award in 2001.


Pinon Ridge uranium mill clears state hurdle amid opposition

Amid fears of uranium's health and environmental impacts, concerned citizens in Paradox valley believe that tourism and renewable energy industries are more stable than uranium's boom and bust. High Country News.


Inside Vestas's Plan to Create More Energy-Conscious Consumers

Wind-turbine manufacturer Vestas is launching a WindMade trustmark to compel shoppers to consider the energy behind their consumer goods. The cute little logo is called WindMade, and it will be used on consumer products certified as having been produced with wind power. Vestas has recruited Bloomberg, the WWF, and the UN to support this scheme. Fast Company.

Solar off to a good year

The solar industry is off to a good year. Not only have state and federal regulators given many proposed projects the go-ahead but federal lawmakers have also extended some critical tax breaks that make the financing of those deals possible. Solar energy represents a bright spot on the economic front. The sustainable fuel source has enjoyed support from the venture capital community while the regulatory structure has worked to support major projects. EnergyBiz.


Green Design Spree Aims to Trim U.S. Government's Big Energy Bill

With $25 billion in annual power and fuel costs, the U.S. government is the largest single energy consumer in the nation's economy, and among the largest in the world.The Obama administration now is seeking to ramp up that effort dramatically—with the help of an unprecedented $4.5 billion in stimulus funds to be spent by next September entirely for federal green building and renovation projects. By executive order, the federal government is aiming to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 28 percent by 2020. National Geographic.