




The Renewable Energy Renaissance

The real Renaissance is in renewable energy whose sources could meet 25% of the nation's energy needs by 2025. Renewable technologies can help restore political and economic stability as well as save money…and the planet.


Entries by admin (194)


DOE Renewable Energy Lab predicts 20% windpower capacity by 2030

The U.S. Department of Energy's National Renewable Energy Lab today predicted that the U.S. could generate 20 percent of its electricity from wind energy by 2030 if it develops offshore wind farms in the coastal waters of 26 states. The report concluded that if offshore wind farms are densely developed along the U.S. coastline, such installations could theoretically provide four times the electricity capacity that now exists in the U.S. 


Google backs massive wind power project


Google has announced that it will invest in the development of the Atlantic Wind Connection, a $5 billion, 350-mile backbone transmission project that will stretch from New Jersey to Virginia and have the ability to connect 6,000 megawatts of offshore wind turbines. The line would run in shallow waters several miles offshore and enable offshore wind farms by first building the transmission capacity for the power generated. Google estimates the capacity of the transmission line to be 60 percent of the wind energy installed in the U.S. last year and enough to power nearly 2 million homes. According to the New York Times, construction could start by 2013, and a 150-mile portion of the project from New Jersey to Delaware (costing $1.8 billion) could go into service by early 2016. The remainder won’t be finished until at least 2021.


Nuclear companies turn to wind

Exelon, the country's biggest nuclear utility, has presumably seen the writing on the Nuclear Retreat wall. It has announced an investment of as much as one billion dollars on wind turbines. Exelon is purchasing tractor-maker John Deere's John Deere Renewables, a wind energy manufacturer, whose 700+ megawatts of power capacity (when the wind's blowing) and 200MW+ of projects will be added to Exelon's power-generation division.


Solar panels coming to White House

The most famous residence in America, which has already boosted its green credentials by planting a garden whose produce is used in the White House kitchens, plans to install solar panels atop the White House's living quarters. The solar panels are to be installed by spring 2011, and will heat water for the first family and supply some electricity. Solar panels have been on the White House before during the Carter administration (subsequently removed by President Reagan) and, with less fanfare, on related White House buildings during the George W. Bush adminstration. It was Beyond Nuclear Launch Partner, Steven Strong (pictured) of Solar Design Associates, who designed and installed several solar-powered systems for the Bush White House swimming pool and other facilities. (Photo: Solar Design Associates).


French "nuclear miracle" plagued by fast-rising reactor costs and "crowding out" of renewables

A new study by Dr. Mark Cooper of Vermont Law School, released today, warns "it is highly unlikely that the problems of the nuclear industry will be solved by an infusion of federal loan guarantees and other subsidies to get the first plants in a new building cycle completed. U.S. policymakers should resist efforts to force the government into making large loans on terms that put taxpayers at risk in order to ‘save' a project or an industry that may not be salvageable." The press release contains a link to the executive summary and the full report. Steven Thomas of Greenwich University in London, expert on Electricite de France and Areva economic woes, joined Dr. Cooper for the press conference, a full audio recording of which can be found at after 6 p.m. today.