




The Renewable Energy Renaissance

The real Renaissance is in renewable energy whose sources could meet 25% of the nation's energy needs by 2025. Renewable technologies can help restore political and economic stability as well as save money…and the planet.


Entries by admin (194)


NASA’s Mars Rover Opportunity Concludes a 15-Year [Solar-Powered] Mission

As reported by the New York Times, the solar-powered Mars rover "Opportunity" lasted not for the 90-day design life, but for 5,111 days.

The Washington Post has also reported on this story.


Germany to close all 84 of its coal-fired power plants, will rely primarily on renewable energy

This good news is reported by the Los Angeles Times.

As the article also reports:

The decision to quit coal follows an earlier bold energy policy move by the German government, which decided to shut down all of its nuclear power plants by 2022 in the wake of Japan’s Fukushima disaster in 2011...

Twelve of the country’s 19 nuclear plants have been shuttered so far...

The plan to eliminate coal-burning plants as well as nuclear means that Germany will be counting on renewable energy to provide 65% to 80% of the country’s power by 2040. Last year, renewables overtook coal as the leading source and now account for 41% of the country’s electricity.


US on verge of 139GW solar boom

News re: renewables.

139 GigaWatts is 139,000 Megawatts -- 139 full size nuclear plants worth! (The U.S. has 100 atomic reactors operating currently.) That's a lot of solar! May it be so!


Offshore Wind Bonanza Draws Bidding War in Record-Setting Sale

As reported by Jennifer A. Dlouhy at Bloomberg. (Scroll down to bottom of page to see article text.)


The Sunshine State finally begins to live up to its name

As reported by the New York Times -- "From Rooftops to Algae Pools: Orlando's Vision for Carbon-Free Energy."

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