




Pandora's False Promises

Pandora's Promise, is a new pro-nuclear propaganda documentary released theatrically in the US in July 2013. It is funded in part by individuals with a vested interest in seeing the development of new reactors and is seemingly a vehicle by which to raise the profile of the anti-environmental Oakland think tank, The Breakthrough Institute, whose personnel feature prominently in the film. Despite the film's premise and early claim that it features "a growing number of leading former anti-nuclear activists" who now support nuclear energy, no one in the film ever led the anti-nuclear movement. Nor was any credible, independent scientific or medical professional with expertise in the areas covered in the film consulted or featured. Beyond Nuclear has bird-dogged the film from the beginning, and has produced numerous critiques. We have also published a definitive report - Pandora's False Promises: Busting the pro-nuclear propaganda - and a two-page synopsis. These documents address virtually all of the myths, lies and omissions typically found in pro-nuclear rhetoric and are intended to address these long after Pandora's Promise fades into deserved oblivion.


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The vanishing Pandora

Since publicity first began for Pandora's Promise, there have been some strange disappearing acts. First came the trailer, ostensibly pulled for copyright reasons. It used to be here: It included Mark Lynas and Michael Shellenberger wildly downplaying the health impacts from Chernobyl.

Next came director's Stone's "brief synopsis," also replete with misleading claims. Clicking on the URL -’S-PROMISE-brief-synopsis1.pdf - just defaults back to the director's home page. But pasting in the full url still produces the synposis. We've created a PDF version lest it vanish altogether.


Pandora's People: Not who the film's publicity claims they are

Pandora’s Promise is a new documentary by Robert Stone whose website, Robert Stone Productions, proclaims: “The film is anchored around the personal narratives of a growing number of leading former anti-nuclear activists and pioneering scientists.” The film’s website also asserts that nuclear power is “now passionately embraced by many of those who once led the charge against it.”

Our research found that there is no evidence that any member of the “cast” of Pandora’s Promise ever led the anti-nuclear movement. READ OUR FACT SHEET.

The film’s participants advocate for the deployment of the Integral Fast Reactor (IFR) as the best pathway to addressing climate change, a canceled breeder reactor design whose so-called “Generation IV” iteration, re-considered by the George W. Bush administration, does not exist anywhere in the world.

If Stone had interviewed those with the authority and credentials in the areas he covers — even without featuring them in his film — and then still come to the conclusions he has today reached, his credibility might be intact. But Stone apparently chose not to talk to those with genuine research credentials and depth of knowledge on the issue and whose evidence would have contradicted his film’s protagonists. Therefore, we must reluctantly conclude that Stone’s agenda was to produce a propaganda piece. 

Here we fact check the credentials of those members of the Pandora’s Promise “cast” who allegedly fit the profile of “leading former anti-nuclear activists.” (The film also includes two scientists who worked on the original IFR program at the Argonne National Laboratory, Len Koch and Charles Till, not profiled here, whose vested interest in the technology is self-evident).




The Integral Fast Reactor: Realities and Myths

Read our detailed Fact Sheet about the realities -- and significant proliferation dangers -- of the Integral Fast Reactor, promoted in Pandora’s Promise. The film also touts the sodium-cooled Integral Fast Reactor (IFR), a breeder reactor design long abandoned and which does not exist today anywhere in the world. This fact sheet is intended to set the record straight on the IFR. 

Coming soon.....Pandora's People.

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