Fire at No.4 Fukushima reactor
March 14, 2011

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Admissions that radiation has been released. People living within 20km and 30 km (beyond 12miles) radius are being advised to shelter in place. Those living with 30km radius have been told to stay indoors. The fire is in the spent fuel pool. Unit 4 was not operating at the time of the quake/tsunami.

Radiation levels rising significantly from 1000 microsievert per hour levels now upwards of 400 millisieverts per hour, likely being released from  the fire burning from loss of cooling to irradiated fuel stored outside of containment at Unit 4. These levels of radiation will cause physical harm to people, steriliity in males, and reduce white  blood cell counts. 

People living beyond the current 12 mile evacuated zone being warned to stay indoors. Dust off,  remove clothes and scrub down after coming indoors from outside.  "Do not hang your laundry outside to dry."

Article originally appeared on Beyond Nuclear (
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