Tell President Obama, enough! Sign petition to end nukes
March 15, 2011
Nuclear Energy: Not Now, Not ever

President Obama: Reverse your support of risky nuclear power. First came the earthquake. Then the tsunami. Then multiple explosions at nuclear reactors. Several Japanese nuclear reactors are at risk of melting down with unthinkable release of radiation.

The crisis in Japan is heartwrenching. The latest reports suggest at least 10,000 dead from one of the most powerful earthquakes in recorded history followed by a devastating tsunami. And that number is likely to rise.

But perhaps the worst is yet to come as multiple nuclear reactors in Japan are redlining and officials frantically release radioactive steam into the atmosphere in hopes of averting a total nuclear meltdown.

Tell President Obama: No more nukes. Not now.

Sign the petition.

Article originally appeared on Beyond Nuclear (
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