Could Japan rekindle US anti-nuclear movement?
March 19, 2011

In today's New York Times: "Paul Gunter, the director of the reactor oversight project at the advocacy group Beyond Nuclear, said a protest vigil planned for Sunday at the Vermont Yankee nuclear power plant could prove a test case. The reactor, whose troubles in recent years have included the collapse of a cooling tower and leaks of radioactive tritium from underground pipes, is a near twin of Unit No. 1 at the troubled Daiichi nuclear station. The State of Vermont argues that the plant is unreliable.

“Sunday will be the first indicator of the depth of the public mood,” Mr. Gunter said of the protest. Just before the earthquake and tsunami in Japan hit, the federal Nuclear Regulatory Commission voted to reject all challenges to extending the operating license of the Vermont Yankee plant."

Update on March 19, 2011 by Registered Commenteradmin

CORRECTION: NYT quotes "1978" as year of the the last reactor order successfully completed. In fact, it was 1973.

Article originally appeared on Beyond Nuclear (
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