New Gallup poll shows waning support in U.S. for nuclear power
March 21, 2011

Seven in 10 Americans say they are more concerned about a nuclear disaster occurring in the United States after the recent events in Japan, including 39% who say they are "a lot more concerned," according to a new Gallup poll. The poll also found more people now opposed to than in favor of construction of new reactors: "The events in Japan may also be diminishing Americans' support for the use of nuclear power in the United States. The poll finds 44% in favor and 47% opposed to 'the construction of nuclear power plants in the United States.'" 56% of women opposed new construction with only 36% of men opposed - a traditional gender breakdown reflecting a historic tendency for more women to oppose nuclear energy than men. 34% of women were in favor of new constrution while 55% of men favored it.

Article originally appeared on Beyond Nuclear (
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