NPR says "environmentalists are split" on whether nuke plants are safe
March 31, 2011

Rubbish! NPR finally hauled out Patrick Moore, yet again referring to his distant Greenpeace credentials, to show that environmentalists are split on nuclear power safety. The story ran on March 28th, the same day the Three Mile Island accident happened. Does NPR really think that Patrick Moore is the definition of an environmentalist? A paid spokesperson for the nuclear industry and polluters like the chemicals and plastics industries and others like GM crops and clear-cut logging? Yet again, we urge you to lodge your complaints with N(uclear) P(owered) R(adio). One nuclear industry shill does not a movement-split make. Contact NPR using this form: Or you can call the Office of the NPR Ombudsman at 202-513-3245. 

Article originally appeared on Beyond Nuclear (
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