How nuclear apologists mislead the world over radiation
April 11, 2011

Dr. Helen Caldicott, founding president of Beyond Nuclear, takes nuclear denier George Monbiot and others to task for exposing their lack of knowledge while assuming a great deal in misleadingly minimizing the risks of internal radiation. Read the Guardian column, which clearly explains the difference between external and internal emitters and the lasting and damaging effects of the latter. Dr. Caldicott points out: "The grave effects of internal emitters are of the most profound concern at Fukushima. It is inaccurate and misleading to use the term "acceptable levels of external radiation" in assessing internal radiation exposures. To do so, as Monbiot has done, is to propagate inaccuracies and to mislead the public worldwide (not to mention other journalists) who are seeking the truth about radiation's hazards."

Article originally appeared on Beyond Nuclear (
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