Experts Say Japan Utility Failed to Disclose Scale of Radiation Leaks
May 31, 2011

"...[A]cademics warn the company has failed to disclose the scale of radiation leaks and faces a 'massive problem' with contaminated water.

Tepco has been withholding data on radiation from Dai-Ichi, Goshi Hosono, an adviser to Japan’s prime minister, said at a press briefing today. Hosono said he ordered the utility to check for any data it hasn’t disclosed and release the material as soon as possible."

Incredibly, Tepco has not updated the grand total for how much radioactivity has been released to the environment since mid April.

Officials are worried this will further add to public distrust and heightened problems already faced by the nuclear industry and Japanese federal government, which conveyed Tepco's false assurances as facts. Bloomberg

Article originally appeared on Beyond Nuclear (
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