Please place our new ad - Freeze our Fukushimas!
June 16, 2011

Our Freeze our Fukushimas! campaign is off to a flying start! More than 3,500 of you have already signed on as co-petitioners to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (see article below) to suspend the operating licenses of our own Fukushimas - the GE Mark I boiling water reactors operating on US soil. We don't want to spend your generous contributions on advertising fees but we still need to get the word out. Won't you please download our new Freeze our Fukushimas! advertisement here; place it in your newsletters; send it to your email lists; submit it to friendly publications; and put it on your websites and Facebook pages. If you need a JPG, please download that here. Or use the PDF version. Many thanks!

Article originally appeared on Beyond Nuclear (
See website for complete article licensing information.