"Fukushima Disaster Failures Kept Behind Closed Doors at UN Atomic Meeting"
June 23, 2011

IAEA HQ in Vienna, Austria, scene of the secretive June 20 to 24 meetingsAs Bloomberg reports, despite the “ 'blindingly obvious' need for greater transparency," the International Atomic Energy Agency has invoked secrecy surrounding its June 20 to 24 review of the Fukushima nuclear catastrophe, effectively delaying any safety significant lessons learned for application at atomic reactors around the world, as well as societal decision making about the future of nuclear power. IAEA spokeswoman Gill Tudor explained that the Fukushima catastrophe evaluation meetings will be closed “because of the highly detailed and technical nature of the drafting work.” Members of the public and journalists are barred from attending the invitation-only sessions. This utter lack of transparency flies in the face of the Japanese government's own report to the IAEA, dated June 7th, calling for and commiting to maximum transparency in the ongoing aftermath of the Fukushima nuclear catastrophe.


Article originally appeared on Beyond Nuclear (https://archive.beyondnuclear.org/).
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