"Homeland Security warns about potential threats against utilities"
July 21, 2011

Although this story by CNN does not mention nuclear power plants explicitly, it does feature a photograph of one! As the anti-nuclear movement has warned since even long before the 9/11 attacks, but especially so since, nuclear power plants and radioactive waste storage facilities are potentially catastrophic targets for terrorist attack, dirty bombs in our backyard of immense size.

Update on July 21, 2011 by Registered Commenteradmin

ABC News was explicit about nuclear power plants in its coverage of this story, reporting:

"U.S. officials were stunned last year in Yemen with the arrest of an alleged American recruit to al Qaeda, Sharif Mobley, of New Jersey, who had been employed as five different U.S. nuclear power plants in and around Pennsylvania after successfully passing federal background checks."

Article originally appeared on Beyond Nuclear (https://archive.beyondnuclear.org/).
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