Political cartoon by Adam Zyglis, The Buffalo NewsMedia coverage:
WIBV TV, Buffalo, NY; Le Téléjournal Ontario (in French); Citizen-Times of Asheville, NC; Aiken Standard; Sierra Club's Green Life; Augusta Chronicle; Buffalo News; WLOS, ABC News Channel 13 in Western North Carolina; CHCH, Niagara Region, Ontario, Canada TV.
Press release by environmental coalition, including Beyond Nuclear, re: judge's adverse ruling, allowing unprecedented, high-risk, highly radioactive liquid waste truck shipments from Chalk River Nuclear Lab, Ontario, Canada to Savannah River Site, South Carolina, U.S.A. (See the judge's 18-page Memorandum Opinion, and 1-page Order of Dismissal, both dated Feb. 2, 2017.) Terry Lodge of Toledo, Ohio and Diane Curran of Washington, D.C. serve as the environmental coalition's legal counsel.