March 9, 2017

Beyond Nuclear joined Nuclear Information and Resource Service (NIRS) and Nuclear Energy Information Service (NEIS) on Harvey Wasserman's radio show, Solartopia Green Power and Wellness Hour. Here is Harvey's summary:

We greet three great expert activists to discuss the downfall of nuke power and the insane wave of corrupt state legislatures forking over billions to keep dying reactors on line.

KEVIN KAMPS from Beyond Nuclear in DC, DAVE KRAFT from Chicago’s Nuclear Energy Information Service and TIM JUDSON of the DC-based Nuclear Information & Resource Service join us in Solartopia to examine massive bailout efforts in Ohio, Illinois, New York and elsewhere.

We begin by assessing the final collapse of the push for new nukes in the US, especially with the collapse of Westinghouse and France’s Areva.

But we then examine the far more terrifying turf of dying old uncompetitive nukes being kept on line with huge state-based hand-outs.

Basically it boils down to your money AND your life.

Listen to an audio recording of the show here.

Article originally appeared on Beyond Nuclear (https://archive.beyondnuclear.org/).
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