Beyond Nuclear has joined an initiative of the Multicultural Alliance for a Safe Environment (MASE) to campaign for justice and compensation for the uranium miners at the front end of the nuclear fuel chain. Currently, the 1990 Radiation Exposure and Compensation Act (RECA) only offers compensation -- through an arduous process -- to uranium miners who were active between 1941 and 1971. RECA also compensates a few downwind communities who received large doses of radioactive fallout from the above-ground nuclear weapons tests at the Nevada Test Site.
MASE is asking groups to sign on to efforts to amend RECA to include all uranium workers and additional downwind communities who suffered atomic test fallout.
An immediate action is to contact your Senators and Representatives to expand RECA. Go to this link, fill out your 9-digit zip code and use the letter provided to contact your elected officials.
You can find out more about the campaign here.
Read the proposed amended RECA bill here.
Read about RECA here.