Canadian Manufacturers & Exporters call operations at Pickering nuclear "persistently abysmal"
June 1, 2017

In a submission to the Ontario Energy Board this week, the Canadian Manufacturers & Exporters (CME) association states that it is now convinced that “OPG’s plan to extend operations at Pickering is not economically feasible and, far from producing savings for ratepayers, may increase the price of electricity service in Ontario.”

CME also noted that Pickering’s operating performance is “persistently abysmal…by any objective measure”.

In its submissions CME acknowledged “the considerable efforts of Environmental Defence in bringing to light the significant potential for negative impacts on the price of electricity service associated with Ontario Power Generation’s plan for Pickering Extended Operations and the absence of sufficient economic analysis supporting OPG’s planned expenditures taking into account accurate and current production forecasts, fully allocated costs and prices associated with comparable alternative sources of generating capacity.”

According to Environmental Defence’s calculations, keeping the outdated Pickering Nuclear Station operating from 2018 to 2024 would raise electricity costs by $1.3 billion to $2.6 billion.

To read CME’s full submissions to the Ontario Energy Board please click here.

To read Environmental Defence’s submissions please click here.

Please sign the Ontarion Clean Air Alliance petition asking Premier Wynne to close the Pickering Nuclear Station in 2018, when its licence expires, and watch a video by OCAA's Angela Bischoff here.

Article originally appeared on Beyond Nuclear (
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