Un Special Rapporteur, Baskut Tuncak, who has already criticized Japan's treatment of Fukushima "cleanup" workers, has urged Japan not to force Fukushima evacuees back to the accident zone, especially women and chidren. In delivering his report to the UN, Tuncak said the Japanese government should “halt the ongoing relocation of evacuees who are children and women of reproductive age to areas of Fukushima where radiation levels remain higher than what was considered safe or healthy before the nuclear disaster seven years ago.”
He noted that returning vulnerable people to an area where allowable exposure rates have been raised from 1 to 20 mSv/yr (a dose far too high for civlians and a change made only because it is impossible to clean up the aftermath of Fukushima back down to 1 mSv/yr), was filled with "with potentially grave impacts on the rights of young children returning to or born in contaminated areas.” Read the full story on Beyond Nuclear International.