Beyond Nuclear is expanding! We are excited to introduce our new initiative, Beyond Nuclear International.
We created Beyond Nuclear International, a dynamic new web platform, in order to tell the anti-nuclear story from the humanitarian perspective and to reach out to global audiences. BNI will present lively news reports, inspiring people profiles, and eye-catching events, from mass protests to groundbreaking new films and the creative arts. BNI puts the human face on the issue.
Watch for updates as we post new stories from around the world. And please share our content by forwarding these emails to your networks.
Beyond Nuclear will continue to perform its vital role as an in-depth information source on nuclear power and nuclear weapons for our engaged activist audience.
Some of the stories featured this week on the BNI site include: A
profile of Beatrice Fihn, the young, fresh and female face of the nuclear weapons ban movement;
Not thriving but failing, a look at the work of Dr. Timothy Mousseau who found animals were not doing well in the radiation zones around Chernobyl and Fukushima; Villagers in India
risk their lives to block nuclear weapons;
Fleeing Fukushima, a nuclear evacuation reality check, by Dr. Ian Fairlie, and more.
Article originally appeared on Beyond Nuclear (https://archive.beyondnuclear.org/).
See website for complete article licensing information.