The women who blocked Russian nuclear deal in South Africa win Goldman Prize
April 25, 2018

Super good news and well deserved -- the announcement that two women activists from South Africa, Makoma Lekalakala and Liz McDaid (pictured), who relentlessly pursued and uncovered an illegal Russian nuclear power deal with their homeland South Africa, have won the prestigious Goldman environment prize.

As The Guardian's Jonathan Watts describes it, reporting from Cape Town: "Two grassroots women activists – one black, one white – stand together against two of the world’s most powerful men – one black, one white – over a secret, undemocratic, multibillion dollar nuclear deal.

"If this was the plot of a Netflix series, it might be dismissed as too neat, too perfectly symbolic and symmetrical.

"But this is the true story of the two South African winners of this year’s Goldman environment prize who tapped their roots in the anti-apartheid struggle to take on and beat an agreement by their nation’s recently deposed leader Jacob Zuma and Russian president, Vladimir Putin."

Read the full article.

Article originally appeared on Beyond Nuclear (
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