Kevin Kamps, Radioactive Waste Watchdog with Beyond Nuclear, talks with host Margaret Harrington on Nuclear Free Future. They discuss the dire consequences of shipping Entergy Vermont Yankee nuclear waste to a proposed federal facility at Yucca Mountain, Nevada, and “interim” parking lot dumps.
Representative Peter Welch has signed HR 3053 - The Nuclear Waste Amendments Act of 2018 which provides for transporting nuclear waste from all around the United States to a federal facility by road, rail, and waterways through vulnerable communities.
They discuss U.S. Senate companion legislation and the U.S. NRC licensing proceedings regarding centralized interim storage facilities for irradiated nuclear fuel targeted at the Texas/New Mexico borderlands, which are a blatant environmental justice violation. (Large Hispanic communities are already heavily polluted by fossil fuel and nuclear activities.)
[Here is a way you can take action in opposition to the highly radioactive waste centralized interim storage facility targeted at Holtec/Eddy-Lea in southeastern New Mexico: submit environmental scoping public comments to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission by the July 30th deadline!]