And then there were none? The costs have ballooned to $27 billion. The project is years behind schedule. But construction of two AP 1000 Westinghouse nuclear reactors — Vogtle 3 and 4 in GA — will continue for now. The project partners this week voted to continue construction, inching further out onto the gangplank but refusing to jump. The decision likely just delays the inevitable collapse of the project, a no-win nightmare for all concerned. Sticking with Vogtle will mean even greater financial burdens — which already bankrupted Westinghouse. Dropping it would cause a political firestorm in the state and raise questions about who pays for the enormous sunk costs. If Vogtle falls by the wayside it will mark the welcome end of new nuclear power plant construction in the US. Its sister Westinghouse project in South Carolina was canceled last year. Read the press release from the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.