The Department of Energy has hired a private company to test for radionuclides at homes and schools within six miles of a shuttered nuclear facility in Ohio following discovery of contamination at a nearby school earlier this year.
Discovery of radiological contamination at Zahn's Corner Middle School three miles from the former Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion facility prompted relocation of its students to different schools and national news coverage of the issue.
Orignial testing found trace amounts of radionuclides of plutonium, neptunium, americium and uranium at the school. Research indicates that DOE decommissioning activities at Portsmouth are responsible for spread of radioactive materials offsite.
While the DOE will pay for radiological testing, they will not fund testing for chemical contamination, which is also a concern, claiming cost is the reason. Pike County where the diffusion facility is located already has a cancer rate 10 percent higher than the national average and incidents of childhood disease had sparked concern over radiation exposure even before the revelatory tests at Zahn's Corner.
"Vina Colley, 72, a resident who worked at the plant as an electrician for several years, said she has developed health issues. She believes the federal government should pay to test for toxic chemicals as well as radiological contaminants." More.