A companion guide to the "Chernobyl" series
May 11, 2019

If you are able to watch HBO's "Chernobyl" drama series -- and it's possible to take a short-term HBO subscription, then cancel -- Beyond Nuclear provides below some of our resources on the 1986 nuclear disaster.

CHERNOBYL THE FACTS Details on the accident and the myths and false information surrounding it.

CHERNOBYL DENIERS: Individuals once touting new reactors have turned to denying the realities of Chernobyl and the harm done by nuclear power. We debunk them.

CHERNOBYL: HOW BAD WAS IT? A look at Kate Brown's investigative and revelatory book about the post-Chernobyl cover-up.

A LIQUIDATOR'S STORY: The firsthand account by Chernobyl liquidator, Natalia Manzurova.

THE SUFFERING OF CHILDREN: The story of children afflicted by Chernobyl and their treatment in a Havana, Cuba hospital.

THE DOGS OF CHERNOBYL: The rescue and treatment of abandoned dogs around the Chernobyl site.

RUDOLPH THE RADIOACTIVE REINDEER: Impacts of Chernobyl fallout on animals and their affect on livelihoods in Lapland and Norway.

NO MARKET FOR WILD BOAR: Persistent radioactive contamination of wild boar and mushroooms in Europe from Chernobyl 33 years later, still puts both off limits to human consumption.

DEFORMITIES IN TRUE BUGS: A scientific illustrator discovered fatal mutations in insects affected by Chernobyl fallout.

CHERNOBYL'S CHILDREN: Belarus was the worst affected by Chernobyl. A UK charity has transformed the medical and social environment there to help sick children.

CHERNOBYL WILDLIFE IS FAILING, NOT THRIVING: Landmark research and numerous studies show the health of Chernobyl's wildlife is drastically compromised.

THE CHERNOBYL EXPERIENCE: A novel follows the lives of several characters during and after the Chernobyl disaster.


Article originally appeared on Beyond Nuclear (https://archive.beyondnuclear.org/).
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