A new series on nuclear power on the USA Today newspaper network, includes an indepth story in the Asbury Park Press about the future for the New Jeresey region around the closed but not yet decommissioned Oyster Creek Generating Station.
"With decommissioning, nuclear jobs will dry up. Property taxes are expected to spike," says the article. "And, for the foreseeable future, the town's 30,000 residents will be left with the plant's dangerous legacy — the stored canisters, or casks, containing radioactive waste."
And, as Holtec rushes to decommission the plant, Beyond Nuclear's Paul Gunter, warns in the article:
“Decommissioning… has been pretty limited to date," said Paul Gunter, director of the Reactor Oversight Project at Beyond Nuclear, a group that advocates abandoning nuclear power in favor of other power sources. "It’s not like we have experience in this."