Help us educate Congress on nuclear power!
August 6, 2019

Congress is on recess until September 9 and Beyond Nuclear is encouraging its members to meet with their elected officials to talk about nuclear power. The presence of Representatives and Senators in their home districts gives our members the ideal opportunity to follow up on our own political education work, reinforcing the depth of support among their voters for an end to the use of nuclear power.

Our focus is on two key issues — climate change and keeping nuclear power out of the solutions; and the much greater harm caused to women and children from exposure to radioactive releases, whether routine or as a result of a nuclear power plant accident.

Beyond Nuclear staff members visited Capitol Hill this summer and circulated our handbook, Climate Change and Why Nuclear Power Can’t Fix It; and the summary fact sheet, to all new House members and every member who signed the Green New Deal. We want to make sure that when the Green New Deal is finalized, nuclear power isn’t in it. While its primary authors appear to agree, there are many in Congress — on both sides of the aisle — who think keeping nuclear plants open and even allocating funding for new ones — is a good idea. We all need to work together to enlighten them!

We also shared our handbook Radiation and Harm to Human Health, and accompanying fact sheet with every female member of the U.S. House and Senate. There is far too little information available that shows how much more harmful — and indeed dangerous — nuclear power operations are to the health of women, especially pregnant women and their babies and young children. Women in Congress need to know this and should never endorse nuclear power!

We are asking you, our members, to follow up with those we already lobbied (and of course others, too) by arranging a visit to their home office. We have put together some talking points on the climate crisis and on women and children, in case you need them as a supplement to the handouts and booklets.

You can see who we visited here: Every female member of the House and Senate; and the list of House members who received our climate change information.

Please let them know that, as their constituent, you want them to keep nuclear power out of climate solutions and out of any Green New Deal. Please help them understand the true risks of nuclear power — especially to women and children.

And finally, if you are willing to help us with our hashtag campaign  — #NukeFreeGND — feel free to download our sign and take a selfie during your visit. We’ll run it on our Twitter page. And thank you!

(Headline photo: Martin Falbisoner/Wikicommons)

Article originally appeared on Beyond Nuclear (
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